Friday, June 12, 2009

Un-marital Bliss

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It was a perfect Sunday morning. Well, at least for me. What can be a better start to such a morning for a single woman like me than a lazy start? Nothing, I guess. You know you are a singleton when you can get up at whatever time you like on a holiday, which gives you the utmost power to make anytime the morning time; when you can eat whatever you like, which means you can make the noodle forms of food such as maggi and cup noodles your staple diet; and when it hardly matters to you whether your home sweet home is clean or not, or, if you are a cleanliness freak, cleaning it at whatever time you wish, whether it’s morning, noon, evening, night or late night or even early morning. That’s the beauty of single-hood. You are your own boss, master or God whatever you like to call yourself.

Yes, it was such a beautiful Sunday morning and I was still in bed when I looked at the clock which was strongly signaling, “Morning jerk, get up, it’s half past nine”. Yet I was reluctant to leave my bed thinking that I could easily make it to 11. But then I remembered suddenly that I had got chores to do, which, if I neglect could make my life hell for the next six days of the week. Agreed, no matter how disorganized or undisciplined I am, I can’t live in an unclean home. Being a girl, I have not yet mastered the art of being a complete dork. And so, I had to get up making my sweet Sunday a little bitter.

So, to make it groovy again I started dusting in the tunes of Kenny G listening to his “Morning”. The day was looking nice again when at about 12:30 my phone started ringing.
“Hi sweet”, came the reply from the other end.
And by the time I could realize that the call was over, my clock indicated again, “Jerk, it’s 2:30”.

He was a close relative of mine. To be true, in these two hours of my life, I was lectured, hammered, crucified brutally for my uncanny inclination towards single-hood. Ehhhhhhh? Okay, that was a little exaggeration. Well, to be really true this time, these two hours were the first two hours of my life when someone from my family tried to convince me desperately to leave my singleton status behind and talked to me about the advantages of a married life (now what’s that?). It’s not like that my parents never questioned me for staying single. After all, I have passed my mid twenties and now I officially belong to the late twenties club. Well, they definitely talk to me about it, but those talks last for only a few minutes. They know it’s useless to lecture me. So, they just restrict themselves in letting me to know that they are worried. It’s something like as if they try to say, “Get married miss smarty pants ASAP and leave us of all the trouble of thinking about it and do whatever you like to do, as crazy as that can be, after your marriage”.

Anyway, my talk with the well wisher was over with a reply from my side saying, “I have left the matter on time. Let’s see where it’s going to take me”. I don’t know whether I disappointed him or not, but I was certainly relieved to think that the call was over. But then, those two hours of interrogation made me to think. Now, that’s trouble.

I was thinking, “Is there really something wrong with me?” I mean, the problem is not that I am not worried. The actual problem is that I am not at all worried. Why is that so? Especially, at a time when most of my girl friends are getting married one by one or at least planning for it, why am I so not worried about my future? As my thinking bulb started blinking, many answers arose from the grave of my black hole-ic mind. Some of them were usual answers common to most people suffering from the singleton-ic syndrome. And out of all that came into my mind, I found two very important reasons for the state of my uncompromising position.

1. Fear of Disaster: It’s a common reason. You are single because you are afraid of the uncertainties that exist surrounding this institution called marriage. However, I am not only afraid of the uncertainties that come along with a person with whom you have to share your life, I am also afraid of myself. It’s just that I am so capable of causing havoc out of nothing. I am prone to causing disaster so much that it will require someone with a degree of Disaster Management in his belt to cope up with me, if there really is someone so daring. Nonetheless, even if there exists such a daring soul, it’s my responsibility not to take undue advantage of his bravery or whatever only for the sake of an unavoidable duty.

2. Fear of the future: In fact this is the most important reason. We all know what marriages are all about. It’s certainly not about going for picnic for the rest of your life. It’s about responsibilities. And it’s about what can be described in evolutionary terms as producing your offspring to carry forward your gene pool. Okay, that sounds very raw. In reality, neither do I like this kind of description of the process of having children. But no matter what, in a marriage, sooner or later you expect to have kids. Having kids is the least of my problems. Problem is in what is there beyond the point of bringing your kids to this world. Am I talking about those sleepless nights, dealing with the messy natural outputs, taking care of the irritating tantrums, saving for their education and wedding, taking all the blames for whatever goes wrong with their lives when they grow up, having to deal with separating from them etc. etc. Yeah, those can be problematic too, isn’t it? But what I am actually talking about is my expectations from my future offspring who will be there as a result of my marriage. It’s not that they will have to bear the load of my expectations, but it’s just that they will have to do so with sheer perfection to the depth of the core. They will have to be as classy as Da Vinci with all the glare of art and science. Whether a boy or a girl, they will have to master in art like Picasso, creating something new, giving rise to some sort of ism like cubism. They will have to sing like Lata Mangeshkar or Asha Bhosle or Kishore Kumar or Sonu Nigam. They will have to be rock stars like Eagles or Scorpions. They will have to be poetic like Gulazar. They will have to be musical like Rahman. Even if they don’t become Nobel laureates for their scientific achievements, they will have to at least possess the brilliance to charm any expert. They may not be Olympic gold medalists, but they will have to be athletic enough to live a healthy life of more than ninety years to enjoy their uncountable wealth earned during their lifetime. Okay, now how’s that? You can see that this amount of expectation from my side is certainly going to create enormous pressure on my future offspring. Making them to be scared of me, to be irritated by me. They can be so annoyed that they might do anything to get rid of me. Who knows what step they might take to solve this unsolvable problem?

Thus, therefore, henceforth, you can see that if I get married, I can be a social disease infecting a lot of people. Hence, henceforth, it is for the greater interest of the mankind that I remain unmarried for as long as possible to protect the interest of all the humans whose lives may be disrupted as the consequence of my marriage ;-)

Asta la vista. See ya again

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jay Ho Rahman and Gulzar

So, at last Rahman nailed it. And he did it in style. With two Oscars he is probably the most recognized Indian face in the world today. Jay Ho. So many times I have heard these two words. But never before, it came out of my mouth so spontaneously in tune. Now the question is about was it Rahman’s best composition? Didn’t Gulzar’s pen give us better neela aasmaans than this zari wale neela one?

Ever since my Dil became Chotasa with Chotisi Asha it just revolutionized my idea about music. And I can bet it that every contemporary musician in India today has been touched in some way or other by this music maestro. I was probably 11 or 12 years old when Roja was released. And it just knocked me out. This was a new style. Different from RDB and Ilaiyaraaja. True that RDB created his own era. So did Ilaiyaraaja. But experimentation somewhat became stagnant after them and new ideas were just becoming rarer and rarer. Enter Rahman. And the scenario was new again. People were not scared to experiment again. Never before in the history of Indian cinema, were so many people experimenting with their tunes the way they do now and we should thank Rahman for that.

But to be true, in the beginning, I wasn’t so apprehensive about this musical genius. Partly because my little head was crowded with the already existing styles so much that it was just not accepting this new happening. But, that’s why he is a genius. Because, he took over me and I wasn’t even aware of it. And before I could realize I found myself humming his every song I disliked.

It happened with Jay Ho too. I was listening to and reading the reviews about Slumdog and its music and my first encounter with Jay Ho was not so impressive either. I was just saying like everyone else. Rahman has done better before. I watched Slumdog just before the Oscar night as offered by Tatasky. At the time of booking the movie for Rs.25 my fingers were hesitant to click the mouse. As I was thinking that it would be on TV soon and why should I bother to waste my hard earned Rs.25 (ehh?) for this movie? My question was answered soon. It was answered along with Zamal when he was answering Irrfan the cop and Prem the star. I was running with those slum boys with Rahman’s tune in the background. And by the end of the movie I was singing Jay Ho. Yes. Rahman is the sure winner. I don’t even care how many better melodies he had composed before Slumdog. I just know that I was following the journey of this boy named Zamal Malik and I was with him throughout his journey. I was running with him, I was on the top of the train with him, I was in the quiz show with him and I was dancing with him at the end of the movie singing Jay Ho. I think when it comes to film music, separating the music from the movie is just stupidity. When I disliked Jay Ho, I was comparing it with the maestro’s previous work. That was stupid of me. But when I was watching the movie, the same song was just flowing in my ear. Every one of us has done it at some point of our lives. That is to say to flow with the rhythm of a situation. We know it just depends on the situation. And that’s why Rahaman is Rahman. Since Roja, he has always flown with the situations without bothering about anything else. And that’s why Jay Ho makes sense in the nonsense. I could not think of anything else but Jay Ho, and that’s why I was singing Jay Ho too. Zari wale neele aasmaan ke tale I too am singing Jay Ho.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Busy Rejuvenated Aks is here again

More than a year. More than year has passed by since I started this blog. And where is it standing now? As I predicted, it’s almost dead. In fact, worse than that. It has become a zombie. Heck, zombies. I hate those imaginary creatures. And I hate those zombie movies. I mean, how can one in his right mind even think about watching those movies and can still have the idea to survive after watching it. Well, only those who are zombies themselves can do that I guess. Hehehehehe. Okay, no offense to anybody.

So, where was I? Oh yeah, my zombie blog. Actually, I was busy. So busy that the busiest man on earth could not have competed with me. It looked like I needed 24x2 hours in a day. Hehehehe. Nonsense. I was doing nothing. I was too lazy to think of anything to write about. Actually, this is a good excuse for not doing anything. Isn’t it? Say, you met an old friend today. He complained, “What buddy, where have you disappeared? Long time no see.” What was your reply? “No buddy, I am so busy these days, don’t even have time for ….. blah, blah, blah”. Hey man. There’s 24 hours for everybody. For you and for the prime minister of our country too. But meeting your old friend was just not in your priority list. Hehehehe. Sometimes, I pretend to be busy to show that what an important person I am. Hahahahaha. Isn’t it amazing that when we pretend to be so busy all the time, or actually in reality are busy, our ex-president Dr. Kalam could still find time to reply to his mails personally and still had the energy to talk to all those kidz all the time. It’s really, motivating. But not so motivating for people like us for whom being busy is an excuse not to talk to people or not to meet people. But yeah, that’s the way it is now a days.

So, even after being so busy, finally I thought may be I can spare a little time for those who are going to be blessed by reading my blog (is there even a single reader of my blog? :D). After all I can do this much for you guys, taking time off from my busy schedule. So, I will try to be more regular from now on. Instead of writing a yearly blog, I will try to blog quarterly from now on ;). So have patience, ladies and gentleman, Aks is here again.

Bye for now

Take care and stay safe