Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Busy Rejuvenated Aks is here again

More than a year. More than year has passed by since I started this blog. And where is it standing now? As I predicted, it’s almost dead. In fact, worse than that. It has become a zombie. Heck, zombies. I hate those imaginary creatures. And I hate those zombie movies. I mean, how can one in his right mind even think about watching those movies and can still have the idea to survive after watching it. Well, only those who are zombies themselves can do that I guess. Hehehehehe. Okay, no offense to anybody.

So, where was I? Oh yeah, my zombie blog. Actually, I was busy. So busy that the busiest man on earth could not have competed with me. It looked like I needed 24x2 hours in a day. Hehehehe. Nonsense. I was doing nothing. I was too lazy to think of anything to write about. Actually, this is a good excuse for not doing anything. Isn’t it? Say, you met an old friend today. He complained, “What buddy, where have you disappeared? Long time no see.” What was your reply? “No buddy, I am so busy these days, don’t even have time for ….. blah, blah, blah”. Hey man. There’s 24 hours for everybody. For you and for the prime minister of our country too. But meeting your old friend was just not in your priority list. Hehehehe. Sometimes, I pretend to be busy to show that what an important person I am. Hahahahaha. Isn’t it amazing that when we pretend to be so busy all the time, or actually in reality are busy, our ex-president Dr. Kalam could still find time to reply to his mails personally and still had the energy to talk to all those kidz all the time. It’s really, motivating. But not so motivating for people like us for whom being busy is an excuse not to talk to people or not to meet people. But yeah, that’s the way it is now a days.

So, even after being so busy, finally I thought may be I can spare a little time for those who are going to be blessed by reading my blog (is there even a single reader of my blog? :D). After all I can do this much for you guys, taking time off from my busy schedule. So, I will try to be more regular from now on. Instead of writing a yearly blog, I will try to blog quarterly from now on ;). So have patience, ladies and gentleman, Aks is here again.

Bye for now

Take care and stay safe